Bethel Hills becoming a reality

Due to our incredibly generous donors we have been able to purchase the property debt-free.  Only God could have worked this out.  The property has 3 existing homes, a beautiful chapel in the woods, a gymnasium, an event center, a community center, a maintenance building with all the lawn equipment we need.

The homes must be remodeled into duplexes to meet the needs of our mission. All homes will be accessible, fresh and inviting, welcoming those with developmental disabilities as well as others with a caring heart who choose to be a part of this supportive neighborhood.

Now we work hard to clean up, repair and remodel. We need to get the event center up and operating to help bring in some cash flow since we have no rental units until the homes are remodeled. It continues to be a faith walk but we know the resources will be there.  We hope to continue to move forward debt-free. Volunteers are coming forward rapidly—hard working and passionate about Bethel Hills!

There will be some special giving opportunities some might want to consider—whether it be naming rights to a chapel pew or the event center and everything in between. Look for more coming to your mailbox on this!

We are very grateful for each of you! We realize it has been asking a lot for people to give to a dream or vision, but that was our starting place and many of you were right there giving generously anyway.  THAT is the reason we are where we are! THANK YOU! Now we can show you the property and the plan clearly.  Please come and see what you are supporting as we move forward. We welcome you!

We are working on an online auction to be held the end of April. If you have items in good condition you would like to donate they can be dropped off at the gym at Bethel Hills! (most anything in good condition--from household to tools, boats…)

We’re grateful for each of you, our connections—partners advocating for a better life for those with developmental disabilities. Please share this great news with your friends and organizations.  Follow us on Facebook at Bethel Hills Community to see pictures and to keep updated on progress! Donations can be sent to the address below.


Billie Kramme


Ribbon Cutting


Exciting News to Share